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Onboard customers in 90 seconds

Let us take care of the identity fuzz in your customer journey so you can make the rest the best. 

How Truid verifies the identity of your customers


Step 1: Document and Facial Capture

Document scan or RFID read


Step 2: Fraud and Liveness Checks

Facial recognition and liveness check


Step 3: Document Authenticity Verification

Reusable Global Identity



Success rate with RFID


Identity documents



Automation rate



Cost saving for IDV

Identity verification solution toolkit to defeat fraud

Truid’s flexible data architecture allows for building a rich identity based on multiple credentials such as:

Verified Identity

Trust and security through verified online identity.

Proof of Address

Simplified verification for user addresses.

Verified Bank Account

Instant, reliable bank account verification.

Age Verification

Effortless age verification for compliance.

Global Business ID

Global business representative ID with verified signing rights.

Documents and Certificates

Efficient document and certificate verification.

Verifiable Credentials

Ensure trust and reliability with verified credentials.

Use cases and industries

Customer identity verification

Truid is a complete digital identity verification solution that serves multiple industries and use cases.


Fraud prevention

Your Shield Against Identity Theft

Online fraud, like identity theft and synthetic identity fraud, is a significant digital threat today.

Truid counters fraud by securely managing personal information and enhancing identity verification with encryption and biometrics. Users securely share credentials, reducing data breach risks. Truid also detects inconsistencies to prevent fraud.

Optimized for customer identity

Truid is an uncompromised solution, optimized for automated identity verification and authentication of customers. Keep iframed solutions that destroy your UX out of your customer flow.

Low transaction cost

Truid is a reusable identity that lets you automate your onboarding and KYC process but also reap the benefits of reusing customers' digital identities once you have taken the initial onboarding cost.

Complete and easy-to-integrate

Save operating costs by using only ONE solution that easily integrates over OIDC, instead of using costly orchestrated solutions or building your own integrations towards multiple local solutions.

GDPR compliant

Truid, complying with eIDAS 1 and 2, offers a secure customer identity solution hosted in the EU. With encryption and stringent privacy measures, it adheres to EU data protection rules and extends compliance globally.

Know Your Customer

Enhance security and efficiency

KYC is vital for combating fraud, money laundering, and terrorism financing, especially in digital transactions. Truid simplifies KYC by digitally verifying identity documents.

This accelerates your customer onboarding, cuts administrative costs, and enhances user experience, aligning businesses with modern practices.

Group 613

Increase conversion

Improve conversion rates at onboarding and onboard more approved customers. Get one smooth, fast and optimized customer experience with high success rate and perfect data. instead of smearing your product with a customized iframed IDV flow.

Protect from data breaches

Build a secure customer identity solution by combining IDV and authentication. Our reusable identity with biometric multi factor authenticaton and sessions, helps you make sure that the user who onboarded is the same user that logs in later.

Reduce internationalization costs

Save operating costs by verifying identity in all markets using ONE solution that easily integrates over OIDC. This way you can avoiding costly orchestrated and compounded solutions or high costs of integrating different national solutions.

Prevent fraud

Stay safe from AI-driven fraud and its associated costs without impacting the experience for your customers. Protect against multiple fraud vectors with features such as device biometric verification, dynamic QR codes, liveness detection and document verification.

"The integration was smooth and it was easy to get support as we had a direct slack channel with Truid's tech team."

Alok A.

CEO, Appjobs


"A user-friendly app for users to seamlessly verify their identity and authenticate themselves over and over again."

Per H.

CPO, Kvanta


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